The Worldwide Trip Protector Plus offers the most comprehensive travel insurance coverage of all three Crum & Forster - Travel Insured International plans. Not only does it include all the standard benefits, but it also has a number of options and an assistance hotline that is available 24-hours a day. This plan has the most comprehensive list of covered reasons to cancel or interrupt your trip. To see the complete list, please review the full certificate.
Unique to this Travel Insured plan, Interruption for Any Reason coverage is included by default. It is available for use 72 hours or more after your departure date. If you need to interrupt your trip for any reason not otherwise covered by this plan, you can be reimbursed up to 75% for your unused non-refundable land or water travel arrangements.
Cancel for Any Reason coverage is also available with this plan. The coverage reimburses up to 75% of your non-refundable trip cost if you cancel your trip up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled departure date.
This plan’s medical coverage acts as primary insurance. You do not need to have another health insurance plan in order to use this one. It will be your first line of defense if any injury or illness should occur while you are traveling.
This plan also includes a 24-hour travel assistance service available to assist you with anything from medical referrals while on your trip, to coordinating a medical evacuation, to concierge services. Whether it is a serious medical emergency during your trip, or if you need help finding a certain restaurant at your destination, the coverage and services offered with this plan can help in many ways.
Protect your trip with cancellation, interruption, delay and medical benefits.
U.S. Residents
All children under 18 must be immediate family members of the primary insured
Included in Accidental Death 24-Hour