Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection
We had to make a claim on our plan, and the process was fantastic. I would 100% buy insurance from Birkshire-Hathaway Travel Protection Again.
We were scheduled to spend Christmas and New Years of 2019/2020 in Europe. We'd bought our airline tickets on miles, so initially didn't plan to even purchase insurance. But, then just a couple weeks before departure, I thought, "Well, stuff happens at the holidays and a lot of our accommodations are non-refundable, so maybe I should get a plan."
2-days before departure, one of our family members had an unexpected medical emergency that prevented us from going on the trip, and required emergent surgery.
I contacted BHTP to let them know we were going to have to cancel, and make sure I "read all the fine print" about my responsibilities related to cancellation. The fine print was reasonable, essentially stating that I had to promptly notify all the trip providers that I was canceling, and obtain whatever refund I could.
I did this, by email whenever possible for the purposes of easy documentation, and submitted my initial claim with BHTP.
I then sort of let things slide for a while. Canceling the trip was emotionally stressful, compounded when COVID came a couple of months later and we had to delay the "replacement' trip indefinitely. Our BHTP rep let me know that I had 1-year from the date of the initial claim to finish submitting documentation, and so I took my time.
Finally, last month (November of 2020) I realized I'd been procrastinating for too long and had better act. I collected all the required documentation. Because our trip was booked independently, we had over 10 individual items that we were claiming reimbursement for. AirBnbs, VRBO's, food and city tours, an EasyJet flight and train tickets, and a short-term rental booked direct with a local company.
When I gathered everything together and put it in a PDF, there were over 90-pages of documentation (receipts, cancellation emails, documentation of the refunds we were able to obtain, credit card statements and more) in addition to our actual claim form.
I summarized the charges in an excel sheet, to make life easier for the claims adjuster, and then sent it off.
I fully expected some back and forth, requests for additional documentation or attempts to refuse our claim on some technicality that I'd missed in the fine print.
I got none of that. This morning, about 3-weeks after submitting our final claim form and documentation, I got a notification that the full amount of our claim (Just under $6k) was sent to my Paypal account.
I would 100% purchase trip insurance from BHTP again, in a second. My interactions with customer service reps were pleasant and helpful, their claim process was not burdensome, and ultimately, our claim was paid promptly and without issue.
Andrew H. would
recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
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