InsureMyTrip in the News:
Last updated on 03/29/2023
In a recent article on by the Washington Post’s Andrea Sachs, the benefits of having a comprehensive travel medical insurance plan are made glaringly clear. Citing such reputable sources as the United States Travel Insurance Association (USTiA) and Peter Evans, Vice President of InsureMyTrip, “How to Prepare for Sickness on Foreign Trips” provides insight into the whys and hows of securing the best medical coverage for your travels abroad.
Among the highlights: Evans’ advice to double-check with your U.S. health insurance provider before traveling, to find out whether or not they will fully cover your treatment and possible evacuation if you become ill or injured abroad; the reminder that travel medical insurance comes not only with financial benefits, but also with real-time assistance to help you locate and access appropriate treatment away from home; and this bit of information gleaned from InsureMyTrip’s Ratings and Reviews page.
“…Travelers gush about how travel medical insurance gave them ‘peace of mind.’ In the first 100 of 1,466 responses, not a single person related a negative story involving an injury or a claim. Nor did anyone complain about wasting money for an unused service.”
The full text of “How to Prepare for Sickness on Foreign Trips” can be found on