Trip Protector Preferred
Emergency Medical Evacuation
The Company will pay benefits for Covered Evacuation Expenses incurred, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if an Accidental Injury or Sickness commencing during the course of the Trip results in Your necessary Emergency Evacuation. An Emergency Evacuation must be ordered by a Physician who certifies that the severity of Your Accidental Injury or Sickness warrants Your Emergency Evacuation and verified and arranged by the Travel Assistance Company.
Emergency Evacuation means:
(a) Your medical condition warrants immediate Transportation from the Hospital where You are first taken when injured or sick to the nearest Hospital where appropriate medical treatment can be obtained;
(b) after being treated at a local Hospital, Your medical condition warrants Transportation to Your Home where You reside, to obtain further medical treatment or to recover; or
(c) both (a) and (b), above.
Covered Evacuation Expenses are reasonable and customary expenses for necessary Transportation, related medical services and medical supplies incurred in connection with Your Emergency Evacuation. All Transportation arrangements made for evacuating You must be by the most direct and economical route possible. Expenses for Transportation must be:
(a) recommended by the attending Physician;
(b) required by the standard regulations of the conveyance transporting You; and
(c) authorized in advance by the Company or its authorized Travel Assistance Company and arranged by the Company’s authorized Travel Assistance Company.
Transportation of Minor Children: If You are expected to be in the Hospital for more than seven (7) days following a covered Emergency Evacuation, or pass away during the Trip, the Company will return Your unattended minor child(ren) (under the age of eighteen (18)) who is/are accompanying You on the scheduled Trip, to the domicile of a person nominated by You or Your next of kin with an attendant if necessary.
Hospital Companion:
Transportation to Join You: If You are traveling alone and are in a Hospital alone for more than seven (7) consecutive days or if the attending Physician certifies that due to Your Accidental Injury or Sickness, You will be required to stay in the Hospital for more than seven (7) consecutive days, upon request the Company will bring a person, chosen by You, for a single visit to and from Your bedside provided that repatriation is not imminent.
Transportation services are provided if authorized in advance and arranged by the Company or the Company’s Travel Assistance Company and are limited to necessary Economy Fares less the value of applied credit from unused travel tickets, if applicable.
Transportation means any Common Carrier, or other land, water or air conveyance, required for an Emergency Evacuation and includes air ambulances, land ambulances and private motor vehicles.
The Company will not cover any expenses provided by another party at no cost to You, or already included within the cost of the Trip.
For more help, please contact us.