TravelGap Voyager
The Company will reimburse benefits up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, subject to any Deductible shown on the Schedule of Benefits if You incur Covered Medical Expenses for Necessary Treatment as a result of an Accidental Injury or Sickness that occurs during the Trip. You must receive initial treatment for Accidental Injuries within thirty (30) days of the Accident that caused them or the onset of the Sickness and while on the Trip.
Covered Medical Expenses are limited to the list below:
(a) the services of a Physician;
(b) charges for Hospital confinement and use of operating rooms;
(c) charge for anesthetics (including administration); x-ray examinations or treatments, and laboratory tests;
(d) ambulance service;
(e) drugs, medicines and therapeutic services; and
(f) emergency and palliative dental treatment (limited to expenses incurred while on Your Trip).
The Company will not reimburse benefits in excess of reasonable and customary charges. The Company will not cover any expenses provided by another party at no cost to You or already included within the cost of the Trip.
If You are hospitalized due to an Accidental Injury or Sickness which first occurs during the Trip, beyond the Scheduled Return Date, coverage will be extended for up to ninety (90) days, or until You are released from the Hospital or until You have exhausted the Maximum Benefits payable under this coverage, whichever occurs first.
For more help, please contact us.