Atlas International Visa
Optional Accidental Death & Dismemberment Rider (only available to members age 18 through age 69) |
Lifetime Maximum - $25,000 Death - $25,000 Loss of 2 Limbs - $25,000 Loss of 1 Limb - $12,500 - not subject to deductible or overall maximum limit |
Subject to the Limits set in the Schedule of Benefits and subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in this policy, we will pay the following Optional Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefit if elected by you and subject to the payment of premium and restrictions outlined below.
Optional Accidental Death is defined as: A sudden, unintentional and unexpected occurrence caused solely by external, visible means resulting in your injury and subsequent death. Death must occur within thirty (30) days of the sudden, unintentional and unexpected occurrence and not be contributed to by illness or disease.
Optional Accidental Dismemberment is defined as: A sudden, unintentional and unexpected occurrence caused solely by external, visible means and resulting in complete severance from the body of one or more limbs or eyes and not contributed to by illness or disease. For purposes of the Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefit provided by this insurance, the term “limb” shall mean: the arm when the severance is at or above (toward the elbow) the wrist, or the leg when the severance is at or above (toward the knee) the ankle. Loss of eye(s) shall mean: complete, permanent, irrevocable loss of sight.
1. Death – we will pay the amount indicated in the Schedule of Benefits to the beneficiary.
2. Loss of 2 or more limbs or eyes – we will pay you the amount indicated in the Schedule of Benefits.
3. Loss of 1 limb or eye – we will pay you the amount indicated in the Schedule of Benefits.
YOU ARE NOT COVERED unless you fulfill the following conditions:
1. You must be at least age eighteen (18) and younger than age seventy (70); and
2. The accident giving rise to the Optional Accidental Death or Dismemberment must be covered under this insurance; and
3. The accident giving rise to the accidental death must not be a common carrier accident; and
4. Death must occur within thirty (30) days of the sudden, unintentional and unexpected occurrence and not be contributed to by illness or disease.
1. Accidents or loss caused by or contributed to by any of the following:
a. Terrorism, war or act of war, whether declared or undeclared.
b. Your participation in a riot, insurrection or violent disorder.
c. Your service in the armed forces of any country.
d. Suicide or attempted suicide or intentional injury, while sane or insane.
e. The voluntary use of any chemical compound, poison or drug, unless used according to the directions of a physician.
f. Committing or attempting to commit a felony.
g. Illness, mental health disorder, or pregnancy.
h. As the result, directly or indirectly, of: i) intoxication as defined by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the accident or injury occurred, or ii) intoxication consistent with a .08 BAC Blood Alcohol Content; whichever is lower, or (iii) an expert’s report, such as that of a medical practitioner or forensic expert; (iv) the witness report of a third party; (v) your own admission; or (vi) the description of events you described to us or you had described to any treating medical professional (such as a paramedic, nurse, doctor) or attending emergency service member as documented in their records.
i. Myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident (CVA / Stroke).
j. Infection, except infection through a wound that was caused solely by an accident.
k. Injury while riding, boarding, or alighting from an aircraft if you were operating the aircraft, learning to operate the aircraft, serving as a member of the aircraft crew, or if the aircraft was being used for any purpose other than passenger transportation.
l. Medical or surgical treatment for any of the above.
m.Any non-covered sports activities.
2. Expenses arise directly or indirectly from anything in the General Exclusions.
In no event will our payment under this benefit total more than the principal sum.
All other provisions of the Master Policy remain unchanged.
For more help, please contact us.